The swirling, tapdancing and backflipping deodorant stick musical that is the mind known as Kinchy!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Video Ninja Wrap!

My time on season 2 of SWAT is officially WRAPPED! It's been a blast, literally. Watch the show and you'll know what I'm talking about. From Detroit to KC to Dallas, all in 4-months! Check out some pics of the KC boys on the official SWAT site and check for air dates and times at the link below.

Now, it's off to my next video adventure, and remember, "If you want it shot; I'm your assassin." Cheers!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Just in case...

Just in case you were unsure of the complete awesomeness of Texas, she asked me to show you her banner of splendor. I'm almost done with Season 2 of SWAT for A&E, but I'm in Dallas for the rest of the week :) I'll be sure to get my picture taken in at least 1 cowboy hat.